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Denver Revision Rhinoplasty


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Revision Rhinoplasty

Before + After Photos

Revision Rhinoplasty procedures can help alleviate cosmetic or structural issues neglected or caused during a previous procedure. Further modification or corrections can address concerns that remain after your primary rhinoplasty procedure. 

Unhappy With Results

"It's still not what I wanted!" Unfortunately, things don’t always work out the way you had hoped. You were excited about your nose job, but now that it’s over and some time has passed, you are dissatisfied with the result. You aren’t alone – about 15% of rhinoplasty patients request revisions, for any number of reasons:

  • Your nose still appears too large, or too small
  • Your face now looks out of balance
  • Your ethnic change is too subtle – or it went too far
  • You’re having some difficulty breathing now
  • You want to make some minor changes

Reality Check

You know there is no “perfect” nose. But that doesn’t mean your nose cannot be further improved. Surgery can change overall size or shape, smooth out humps or depressions, balance your facial appearance, or repair internal defects that make it difficult to breathe. But rhinoplasty is an art as well as a science, and revision surgery is not the same as a primary procedure.

Photos Tell the Story

You probably reviewed before and after photos prior to your original surgery. Photos help you see real results obtained by people like you – close in age, the same sex and ethnicity, etc. Now that you’re considering revision surgery, it is essential that you review before and after photos of other revision procedures, because the reasons for surgery and achievable results are different.

What you can modify, and to what extent, is highly individual. It depends on your facial structure and skin as well as your previous surgery. Studying before and after photos of actual revision patients helps you see what kinds of alterations may be possible. And while viewing any photos can help you realistically assess your own options, the most important photos are the ones that show actual patients of the surgeon you’re considering to perform your revision. This is the person you will trust to improve upon and/or correct what has already been done.

Is Revision Rhinoplasty Right for You?

Not everyone is a good candidate for repeat nose surgery. Depending on your specific concerns and the details of your previous procedure, Dr. Raval may explain that the risks are greater than the likelihood of achieving your desired outcome. Your personal health and safety are our primary concern, and your nose’s current condition may not support another surgical procedure. On the other hand, Dr. Raval may recommend an alternative to surgery. He often uses dermal fillers in conjunction with surgical techniques to achieve the best possible visual results. In some cases, a filler may be all that is needed to smooth out minor irregularities or asymmetries.

Revision Rhinoplasty Requires Considerable Skill

Revision surgery is often more difficult than an initial procedure. It is likely to be more complicated, so it may take longer. But - the better your surgeon, the better your results. Your nose is the central feature of your face, so naturally you want it to be as near-perfect as you envision it. The surgeon you choose must have advanced skills and demonstrated success in rhinoplasty revision as well as general nose surgery, because your new procedure will be more complex. Artistic talent matters, too.

Review then Request

Dr. Jeffrey Raval is known as the “Nose Doc” because he specializes in nasal surgeries of all types. Patients appreciate his approachable demeanor as well as his professional expertise. Once you've reviewed his patient photos, schedule a personal consultation. You can have an open discussion with him about your previous surgery, your ongoing concerns, and your goals. You will get honest advice about your options, and if you choose to move forward with surgery, you can trust Dr. Raval to perform your procedure using the same meticulous attention to detail he gives every patient.

Get a Revision Rhinoplasty Consultation

Speak with Dr. Jeffrey Raval, MD. He will answer your questions and offer honest advice. ($100 fee)